What To Do About Loneliness

A link roundup with the latest LGBTQ+ news plus stories on the loneliness epidemic, ancestral memory, and new science on menstrual blood.

What To Do About Loneliness

Welcome to Queer Futures, a newsletter on queer community, relationships & friendships! Each week will be a different format. Here’s the monthly format rotation: essay/column, link roundup, personal recs, Q&A with queer and trans people doing cool shit. 

This is a link roundup where I read the news and let you know what’s going on in the world plus other relevant reads on relationship-building. I’ll cover news related to LGBTQ issues, reproductive health, climate crises, race, gender, and anything social justice. AND there will be a community care corner where I’ll include links to requests for mutual aid, calls to action, etc. 

If you find this work valuable, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or leave a one-time donation here. Thanks so much!

Before I dive into the link roundup, I wanted to say thank you so much for being here. I’m blown away by the support from loved ones. I appreciate all the messages of encouragement and excitement from friends, family, and colleagues. I’m especially grateful for the irl conversations I’ve had with folks about the first newsletter. You’ve already inspired so many future newsletter topics. 

I'd love to talk to more of you about what I write here so please reply directly to this email or leave a comment on the post. You can also email me directly at yvonne@queerfutures.news. I'll reply!

via @aapiwomenlead on Instagram

I really think it’s important to stay informed about the current reality of our world so that’s why I’m doing these news roundups. I won’t cover every horrific thing happening because we’ll be here forever and I don’t want this to be a slog to read either. It’ll be like a healthy dose of vegetables on your media plate, you know what I mean? Now, for the news. 

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